Mary Cesar (Hawaiian Quilter extraordinaire), and I spent the morning with Bozo and friends, creating our own material for pareo (sarong). Bozo is an amazingly beautiful man! He and his family live in Waianae, where he has turned his back yard into his art studio. Pareo...sarong, are his media of choice at present. He gathers native plants in Kahana Valley, near where he grew up in Laie. The material is lovely cotton that takes the photosensitive dye beautifully.
Bozo invites anyone to come to make their own's most fun in a small group of 4-8. $45 includes everything!
Let us create a Tropical Etch Workshop just for you and your friends! SO, YOU CAN BE AN ARTIST TOO! - Tropical Etch Glass Etching Workshop. Coming soon at Rubber Stamp Plantation. 746 Ilaniwai Street. Bring 3-10 pieces of glass (you can finish 3-6 of them if you're a beginner). All ages/experience welcome!. We supply all the materials and Tropical Etch stencils you need to complete your artwork...and make all the mistakes you want! This is our MOST popular class! $40/$35 is "bring a buddy"price each. 808-591-2122. We will create a class around your schedule, so gather your friends! Great for showers, birthdays, etc.